(Parents and students, these dates may change as Band Camp arrives and gets underway.? Therefore,?always follow?dates and times given by Mrs. Oyan that may?be different to these dates.)
Drum line and Front Ensemble camp😕 July 29th.
Colorguard camp: August 5th.
Freshman and new marchers camp:
Thursday August 8 noon to 8pm and
Friday, August 9?? 8:00 am -3:00 pm (uniform fittings here)
FULL BAND REHEARSAL Thursday August 8: 6pm-8pm
Freshman Parent Welcome Dinner: Thursday, August 8th at 6:00 pm.
The Band Boosters will provide dinner for Freshman parents.? After dinner, the Boosters will welcome Freshman parents to the ?band family? and answer all questions.
Band Camp
Week 1:? ??????? August 12-16 ? 8:00 a.m. ? 3:00 p.m.
Week 2:? ??????? August 19-22?? 7:30 a.m. ? 4:00 p.m.
Week 3:?? ?????? Aug 26-30?????? 8:00 a.m. ? 12:00 noon
Shoe Fitting😕 August 12th .
Parent Potluck and Preview Night😕 August 22nd, 7pm.
This will be the first time for parents to ?preview? the upcoming show for the season.? Parents are asked to bring a dish (more details of what type of dish to follow).? The Boosters invite all available Pit Crew members willing to help setup for this dinner.
NOTE:? Parents and guardians wishing to participate as chaperones and/or Pit Crew will need to complete the Chesterfield county Volunteer Form.? The Band Boosters will have this form available at Preview Night, and hopefully on the website soon.
Flying Squirrels game performance😕 Friday, August 30th.
6:15pm performance at the game (Call time to be announced), then stay for the game.? Pit Crew and Chaperones will be needed.
Battle of Chester ? Friday, September 6th.
First home football game against Thomas Dale.? Pit Crew needed.
TAG Day ? Saturday September 7th.? This is the largest fund raiser for the Skyhawk Band all year.? The Band Boosters wish to ask all available parents to please participate in this event.? We will need drivers to take the kids to neighborhoods, as well as ?organization and support? parents back in the band room during the event.
After school practices:
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday:????? 2:30 ? 4:30 p.m.
(in season only ? then as necessary for performances)