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Skyhawk Band Parent Teacher Student Group

TAG DAY 2024
Mark your calendar…SKYHAWK BAND TAG DAY 2024 is coming!
Sign Up Genius Link to VOLUNTEER
We are raising money in support of our Skyhawk Marching Band at LC Bird High School on September 7, 2024. All band students are expected to attend and participate.
If you would like to DONATE NOW please click HERE!
Tag Day is our annual, district-wide fundraising event in which band students go door-to-door and simply ask for tax-deductible donations. Donations of any size are appreciated and support the vital needs of our band such as rental trailers to transport equipment, new band instrument/equipment purchases and/or repairs, purchase of music, audition and some travel expenses for all concert, jazz and marching band members at LC Bird High School.
We give everyone a tag (door hanger) which contains information about the band, our performances, and ways to support our bands.
At 8:00 AM on that Saturday morning, band members and volunteers will meet at LC Bird High School. Students put on their uniforms or wear current year band shirts and hats while parent volunteers pick up their packet of neighborhood information and help to transport students through the neighborhoods.
From 9:00 AM to noon, the Skyhawk band students visit neighborhoods that all feed into LC Bird High School, knocking on doors to ask for donations while parent chaperones keep an eye on them and keep track of the money they collect. Door hangers with band and schedule information and ways to donate online will be provided as well.
Once done, we will meet back at LC Bird High School for a pizza party provided by the LC Bird Band Boosters.
This is our band’s biggest fundraiser. All band students are expected to participate. We will need many volunteer hands on deck to make this event successful as well, more information as well as a sign up genius will be going out soon.
If you plan to volunteer at the school, at any time throughout the school year, you must complete a volunteer application. Here is the CCPS volunteer application link
Halley Soukup 1st Vice President LC Bird Band Boosters 804-543-3408
BASS: Gina. Eduardo. Sean. Gabe.
SNARE: Jace. Randy.
TENORS: Amon. Jayden
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